Governor Ned Lamont


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Catalog of Online Reports

Choosing Queries in Core-CT

If you want to: Then run this report:
To find a list of bills that have been entered during a spcified Bill Account Entry
To find all direct journal entries in the status of Budget Error Direct Journals in Budget Error
To find and retrieve customer conversations and items associated with customer conversations Customer Conversations w/keyword
To find billing customer contact information including contact name, phone, email and address Cust contact information
To find billing invoice information by customer Billing Invoice
To find billing pending items Billing AR Pending Item
To find customer conversations Customer conversations
To find deposit IDs by fund, SID, fiscal year Deposit IDs by Fund SID, Fiscal Year and Date
To find employee payroll data for COP-9 reimbursement detail Employee payroll COP-9
To find federal grant revenue received coded to account like 4% for the prior fiscal year Rev by SID/CFDA Nbr Prior FY
To find open and partial payments received by a business unit Partial payments, open invoice
To find posted item transaction details for the Business Unit and accounting dates from user prompts AR Accounting Distribution
To find refunds of expenditures based on a date range AR Distribution for 50000 Accounts Only
To find returns customer conversations with and without associated open item numbers. Open items/conversations
To find the dates between the accounting and posted dates. Per statewide memo 2011-05 Audit Post Date versus Accounting Date
To find the detail revenue transactions that have been processed through the Accounts Receivable module Detail Revenue by Dept
To find the list of deposits received but not posted and the number of days pending. AR Deposits Not Posted
To identify by Business Unit any Refund of Expenditure Open Items in Budgeted Funds Open Items budgeted Funds
To monitor federal grant expenditures by SID / CFDA number Expenditures by SID/CFDA Number
To monitor Federal grant expenditures from a prior Fiscal Year only Exp by SID/CFDA Nbr Prior FY

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