Governor Ned Lamont


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Catalog of Online Reports

Choosing Queries in Core-CT

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Search by Journal ID and Journal Date for ACCRL Ledger journals that have been approved Jrnl Wrkflw Data by Jrnl ID
To assist with the completion of CHRO Form CC051, Contract Compliance Tracking Sheet CHRO CC051 Report Form
To display contract obligation, purchase order obligated and unliquidated, and voucher amounts Contract, PO, Voucher balances
To find a list of all current contracts Contract Master List
To find catalog items that are active in an inventory business unit, but inactive in ePro and the designated active substitute items Substitute Catalog items
To find detailed purchase order commitment information Vendor PO Commitment Info
To find expired but active contracts Expired but active contracts
To find for end of year processing, POs that are pending, approved or denied EOY PO Pending, Apprv, Denied
To find header and line comments associated with a procurement contract. Contract comments
To find header comments associated with a purchase order PO W/Header Comments
To find items associated with active contracts Catalogue Items by Contract
To find open purchase orders, obligated amount, total and fiscal year to date distribution All PO Bal w/ or w/o Vouchers
To find purchase information based on delegated authority (GL71) for reporting to DAS GL annual PO report-DAS
To find purchase order balances with and without voucher history All PO Bal w/ or w/o Vouchers
To find purchase order budget check errors for end of year processing EOY PO Budget Check Error
To find purchase order dispatch history based on a date range PO/Vendor Dispatch History
To find purchase orders that are complete and budget checked POs Complete & Budget Checked
To find purchase orders that are on hold for end of year processing EOY POs On Hold
To find purchase orders that are receiving required POs with receiving required
To find purchase orders that have been received but not vouchered PO received not Vouchered
To find purchase orders that have no vouchers associated with them POs w/o vouchers by Fund, SID
To find the remaining balance of a purchase order including the sum of voucher amounts Remaining PO Balance by PO
To find the remaining purchase order balance Remaining PO Balance Detail
To find the workflow status of a purchase order Workflow status by PO
To find the workflow status of a purchase order by hours in a status Workflow status by PO Entry Dt
To find vendor contract expiration dates for contracts associated with active purchase orders PO Contract Expire Dates
To find vendor contract information for reporting to OPM Vendor Contracts Query
To find vendor contract information for verification purposes Vendor Contract information
To find where the contract price is less than the purchase order price for a catalog item PO-Contract price compare
To identify the amount difference from PO distribution line versus KK PO distribution PO Distribution vs KK amount
To list all Purchase orders with Receipts that have not yet been Vouchered. Receipts not Vouchered

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