Governor Ned Lamont


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Catalog of Online Reports

Choosing Queries in Core-CT

If you want to: Then run this report:
Identify all employees with missing timesheets for a specified period Unprocessed Timesheets
Identify payroll charges to another agency by department and pay end date payroll chgs to another agency
Report overtime hours and amount by department and date range Scheduled Overtime
Return timesheet data for current pay period by Payable Status (Approved, Need Approval, and/or Taken) for override reason codes related to COVID-19 Payable Status - Override Reason for COVID-19
Return timesheet entries on or after 1/1/2020 including Task (Override Reason & Reason Description) for Pandemic COVID-19 Timesheet entries - Override Reason for COVID-19
Review sick pattern usage Sick Pattern Day Report
This query returns prior pay period adjustments made in time sheet Identify Prior Period Changes
To find all Compensation Time & Holiday Time plans and associated balances for active employees for a specified agency Active ee's Comp/Holiday bal
To find all employees, including terminated, by department with a Compensation or Holiday plan balance Employees w/comp plan balance
To find an employee's other earnings by pay date Timesheet/position code compare
To find Compensatory and Holiday Plan(s) for active employees Dept Comp/Holiday Plan/Bal
To find employee's Compensatory Time and Holiday Plan(s), associated usage, and balances Employee Comp/Holiday Plan/Bal
To find timesheet entries before 4/14/2006 by DUR- Date Under Report including Override Reason Code descriptions Override Reason Description Before 4-14-06
To find timesheet entries on or after 4/14/2006 by DUR - Date Under Report including Task descriptions Over ride Reason Description 4-14-06 to Present
To find timesheet entries with and without associated comments. Timesheet w & w/o comments
To retrieve/audit current leave balances for employees where sick and/or vacation leave accruals will be modified per SEBAC agreements 2017 EE Leave Plan/Balance
To retrieve/audit sick, vacation and/or personal leave balances for employees by accrual process date Employee Leave Plan Audit
Use this query to identify invalid OPRIDS on TL Reported time (timesheet) Invalid OprIDs on Timesheet

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