Core-CT PUM Upgrade Training Registration
The L200 instructor-led courses listed below review updates
introduced by the PUM Upgrade. Please see the list of Core-CT roles (under "Description")
for each course when registering.
The prerequisite L100 courses for these are self-paced eLearning modules. They may be accessed by clicking on the appropriate L100 course name below.
(In future both L100 and L200 self-paced courses will be available through a Core-CT Training and Support page.)
To register for an L200 course, please click on the desired session.
Job Aid:
How to Get a Webinar You Registered for on Your Calendar
Module |
Course & Prerequisites |
Description |
Sessions |
HR |
L200 Managing Job
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L100 HR Navigation Overview
Upon completing this course, participants
will be able to administer HR processes to maintain employee jobs,
status, and data, hire and rehire an employee, dual employment
processing, maintain employee job information/data, salary increases,
transferring an employee, and supervisor changes.
Role: HR Specialist
(.pdf) - L200 Managing Job Deck
(.mp4) - L200MJ002 Managing Job Recording 10-07-24
(.pdf) - L200MJ002 Managing Job Transcript 10-07-24
(.mp4) - L200MJ001 Managing Job Recording 10-09-24
(.pdf) - L200MJ001 Managing Job Transcript 10-09-24
(.mp4) - L200MJ003 Managing Job Recording 11-06-24
(.pdf) - L200MJ003 Managing Job Transcript 11-06-24
(.pdf) - L200 Managing Job Q&A
Oct 7, 9:00-11:00 AM
Oct 9, 9:00-10:00 AM
Nov 6, 1:00-1:30 PM
HR |
L200 Personal Data
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L100 HR Navigation
L200 Managing Job
Upon completing this course, participants
will be able to access Fluid tiles related to modify person, create
employee, create person of interest, and organizational relationship,
administer processes to update employee personal data, and create
organizational relationships.
Roles: HR Specialist, Retirement Payroll
(.pdf) - L200 Personal Data Deck
(.mp4) - L200PD002 Personal Data Recording 10-10-24
(.pdf) - L200PD002 Personal Data Transcript 10-10-24
(.mp4) - L200PD001 Personal Data Recording 10-24-24
(.pdf) - L200PD001 Personal Data Transcript 10-24-24
(.mp4) - L200PD003 Personal Data Recording 11-15-24
(.pdf) - L200PD003 Personal Data Transcript 11-15-24
(.pdf) - L200 Personal Data Q&A
Oct 10, 9:00-10:00 AM
Oct 24, 1:00-2:00 PM
Nov 15, 9:00-9:30 AM
HR |
L200 Position Management
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L100 HR Navigation
Overview |
Upon completing this course, participants
will be able to access position management Fluid pages and dashboards, manage
positions for both new and existing positions, clone positions and rows,
and review transactions status.
Role: Position Specialist
(.pdf) - L200 Position Management Deck
(.mp4) - L200PM001 Position Mgmt Recording 10-08-24
(.pdf) - L200PM001 Position Mgmt Transcript 10-08-24
(.mp4) - L200PM002 Position Mgmt Recording 10-21-24
(.pdf) - L200PM002 Position Mgmt Transcript 10-21-24
(.mp4) - L200PM003 Position Mgmt Recording 11-06-24
(.pdf) - L200PM003 Position Mgmt Transcript 11-06-24
(.pdf) - L200 Position Management Q&A
Oct 8, 9:00-11:00 AM
Oct 21, 9:00-10:00 AM
Nov 6, 2:00-2:30 PM
HR |
L200 Position Approval
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L100 HR Navigation
L200 Position Management
Upon completing this course, participants
will be able to understand the approval process for positions and
approve and/or deny position approvals.
Roles: Position Specialist, Agency Personnel Administrator, Agency
Budget Specialist, DAS Analyst, OPM Analyst, OPM Senior Analyst,
OPM Section Director, OPM Budget Director
(.pdf) - L200 Position Approval Deck
(.mp4) - L200PA001 Position APrvl Recording 10-22-24
(.pdf) - L200PA001 Position Aprvl Transcript 10-22-24
(.mp4) - L200PA002 Position APrvl Recording 10-23-24
(.pdf) - L200PA002 Position Aprvl Transcript 10-23-24
(.mp4) - L200PA003 Position APrvl Recording
(.pdf) - L200PA003 Position Aprvl Transcript
(.pdf) - L200 Position Approval Q&A
Oct 22, 1:00-2:00 PM
Oct 23, 9:00-10:00 AM
Nov 15, 10:00-10:30 AM
Financials |
L200 Asset Management Approval
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L100 Financials Navigation
This course summarizes the approval process for
Asset Management Requesters (Financial Asset Processors) and Approvers. Upon completing this course, participants
will be able to submit and approve Asset Management transactions.
Roles: Agency Asset Management Approver, Agency Financial Asset Processors
(.pdf) - L200 Asset Management Aprvl Deck
(.mp4) - L200AM001 Asset Mgr Aprvl Record 10-07-24
(.pdf) - L200AM001 Asset Mgr Aprvl Transcript 10-07-24
(.mp4) - L200AM002 Asset Mgr Aprvl Record 10-08-24
(.pdf) - L200AM002 Asset Mgr Aprvl Transcript 10-08-24
(.mp4) - L200AM003 Asset Mgr Aprvl Record 10-22-24
(.pdf) - L200AM003 Asset Mgr Aprvl Transcript 10-22-24
(.pdf) - L200 Asset Manager Approvals Q&A
Oct 7, 1:00-3:00 PM
Oct 8, 9:00-11:00 AM
Oct 22, 9:00-10:00 AM
Financials |
L200 eProcurement
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L100 Financials Navigation
L100 EProcurement Overview
Update description; This course covers the eProcurement updates introduced by
PUM upgrade. Upon completion, participants will be able to efficiently create different types of requisitions,
navigate the Create Requisitions and Manage Requisitions components in Fluid, enter multiple distributions per
line, add comments and attachments at the header and line levels, manage the persistent cart, use the 'Create Receipt'
tile for new receipts, view and edit receipts with the 'My Receipts' tile.
Roles: Agency Cancel Requisitions, Agency Delete Requisitions, Agency
Requisitions Amount, Approver (1,2,3,4, & 5), Agency Requisition Budget Approver,
Agency Requisition Closer, Agency Purchasing Approver, Requestor,
(.pdf) - L200 eProcurement Deck
(.mp4) - L200EP003 eProcurement Recording 10-10-24
(.pdf) - L200EP003 eProcurement Transcript 10-10-24
(.mp4) - L200EP001 eProcurement Recording 10-16-24
(.pdf) - L200EP001 eProcurement Transcript 10-16-24
(.mp4) - L200EP002 eProcurement Recording 10-16-24
(.pdf) - L200EP002 eProcurement Transcript 10-16-24
(.mp4) - L200EP004 eProcurement Recording 10-21-24
(.pdf) - L200EP004 eProcurement Transcript 10-21-24
(.mp4) - L200EP005 eProcurement Recording 10-22-24
(.pdf) - L200EP005 eProcurement Transcript 10-22-24
(.mp4) - L200EP006 eProcurement Recording 10-24-24
(.pdf) - L200EP006 eProcurement Transcript 10-24-24
(.mp4) - L200EP007 eProcurement Recording 11-04-24
(.pdf) - L200EP007 eProcurement Transcript 11-04-24
(.mp4) - L200EP008 eProcurement Recording 11-07-24
(.pdf) - L200EP008 eProcurement Transcript 11-07-24
(.pdf) - L200 eProcurement Q&A
Oct 10, 9:00-11:00 AM
Oct 16, 9:00-11:00 AM
Oct 16,1:00-3:00 PM
Oct 21, 1:00-3:00 PM
Oct 22, 1:00-3:00 PM
Oct 24, 9:00-11:00 AM
Nov 4, 1:00-2:00 PM
Nov 7, 1:00-2:00 PM
HR |
HCM PUM User Group
This HCM PUM Delta User Group Webinar will go over
updates, new items and tips and tricks introduced by the PUM Upgrade.
The webinar will go into Navigation and Approvals, Security, Benefits,
Human Resources, Payroll, Pension/RSD, Time & Labor, TRS, EPM and the
Help Desk.
(.mp4) - HCM PUM Delta User Grp Recording 11-14-24
(.pdf) - HCM PUM Delta User Group Transcript 11-14-24
(.mp4) - HCM PUM Delta User Grp Recording 11-18-24
(.pdf) - HCM PUM Delta User Group Transcript 11-18-24
(.pdf) - HCM PUM Delta User Group Q&A
(.pdf) - HCM PUM Delta User Group Deck
HCM PUM User Group
Nov 14, 10:00-12:00 pm
Nov 18, 10:00-12:00 pm
Financials |
This FIN PUM Delta User Group Webinar will go over
updates, new items and tips and tricks introduced by the PUM Upgrade.
The webinar will go into Navigation and Approvals, Accounts Receivable,
Billing, General Ledger, Grants, Project Costing, Customer Contracts,
EPM, Security and the Help Desk.
(.pdf) -
FIN PUM Delta User Group (AR,BI,GL,GRT,PC) Deck
(.mp4) -
FIN PUM Delta User Group (AR,BI,GL,GRT,PC) Recording 11-19-24
(.pdf) -
FIN PUM Delta User Group (AR,BI,GL,GRT,PC) Transcript 11-19-24 |
FIN PUM User Group
Nov 19, 10:00-12:00pm |
Financials |
FIN PUM User Group (ePro,PO,Pcard,AP,AM)
This FIN PUM Delta User Group Webinar will go over
updates, new items and tips and tricks introduced by the PUM Upgrade.
The webinar will go into Navigation and Approvals, eProcurement,
Purchasing, PCard, Supplier Contract Management, Budget Workbook,
Accounts Payable, Asset Management, EPM, Security, and the Help Desk.
(.pdf) -
FIN PUM Delta User Group (ePro,PO,Pcard,AP,AM) Deck
(.mp4) -
FIN PUM Delta User Group (ePro,PO,Pcard,AP,AM) Recording 11-19-24
(.pdf) -
FIN PUM Delta User Group (ePro,PO,Pcard,AP,AM) Transcript 11-19-24 |
FIN PUM User Group
Nov 19, 1:00 - 3:00 pm |
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