To crosswalk FIN PR accounting entries back to Detailed Payroll |
GL to Payroll Summary Reconcil |
To display budget details in a format similar to the Budget Detail Report |
Budget Details Inquiry |
To duplicate the GLS802 Budget Staus report for analysis purposes |
GLS8020 (Budget Status) |
To duplicate the the GL Activity by period report for analysis purposes |
GL Activity by Acctg Period |
To find a list of manual journal entries to cash accounts by Fund/SID |
Entries to Cash Accounts |
To find a trial balance based on ledger, department, fund, SID, account |
Trial Balance Report |
To find balances for the cash accounts used in the CTGLR17174 - Non-Appropriated Cash Balance Report |
Non-Approp Funds Cash Balance |
To find balances for the expense accounts used in the CTGLR17174 - Non-Appropriated Cash Balance Report |
Non-Approp Funds Cash Expenses |
To find balances for the revenue accounts used in the CTGLR17174 - Non-Appropriated Cash Balance Report |
Non-Approp Funds Cash revenue |
To find budget journals where the budget header status is not posted or unposted |
Budget Journal not posted |
To find commitment control ledger balance information for a ledger group and DeptID |
Commitment Control Ledger /Month |
To find journal entry information for a DeptID and date range |
Journal Entry Query |
to find journal information by DeptID or range of DeptIDs by date range |
Journal Entry Query |
To find Journal information for a Department ID or range of Department IDs |
Specific Journal ID & Date |
To find journal information for mod_cash_ and mod_accrl by DeptID, Fund, SID, and Account |
To find journals where the journal header and the budget header is valid |
Agency Valid Journal Report |
To find journals where the journal header or the budget header is in error |
Agency Journal Error Report |
To find journals where the journal header or the budget header is in error by DeptID |
Agency ALL Journal Errors Report |
To find ledger balances and is meant to duplicate the CFSR |
Ledger Balance (CFSR) |
To find payroll data by pay period for personal service charges to a specific business unit |
Cross BU payroll data |
To find payroll data by pay period where the personal service charges are for an employee of a different agency |
Payroll Detail other agency charge |
To find payroll detail for all employees charged to a specific business unit |
Cross BU payroll data |
To find posted journals by account and date range |
Posted Journals by Account |
To find the closing and carry-forward balances for an agency by fiscal year and commitment control ledger group |
Budget Lapse and Carry-Forward |
To find the ledger balance by accounting period and sorted into columns |
Ledger Bal by Acctg Period |
To find the ledger balance by accounting period for analysis in a spreadsheet |
Ledger Bal Per - Pivot in Excel |
To identify financial accounting entries with an HRMS paycheck number |
FIN Accounting Entries by Pay Check # |
To identify general ledger expenditure by accounting period. The query will return the entire agency or just one department |
GL Expenditure by Acctg Period |
To identify general ledger expenditure by fiscal year and SID |
GL Expenditures by FY |
To identify journal entries for payroll for a journal or check date (includes paycheck number) |
Journal entries for payroll |
To identify journal entries related to Account 55050 pass through funds for Federal Grant reporting |
55050 Sub-recipient Journal Detail |
To identify mod_cash and mod_accrual posted totals by DeptID, Fund, SID, and Account |
Mod Accrual and Mod Cash period report |
To identify personal service charges from other DeptIDs from the HR Accounting line |
PS charges from other Deptids |
To identify refunds of expenditures by period and journal ID |
Refunds of Expenditures |
To identify wrong budget references for budgeted funds. Where the budget reference does not equal the fiscal year |
Budget Ref not equal to FY |
To reconcile the CTGLR341 and 342 report to the budget. Will find DATCLEAN entries posted by OSC. |
Reconcile CTGLR 341/342 to Budget |
To reconcile the general ledger to the payroll summary |
GL to Payroll Summary Reconciliation |
To replicate the expenditures by object report for analysis purposes |
Expenditures by Object |