Governor Ned Lamont


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Catalog of Online Reports

Choosing Queries in Core-CT

If you want to: Then run this report:
To crosswalk FIN PR accounting entries back to Detailed Payroll GL to Payroll Summary Reconcil
To display budget details in a format similar to the Budget Detail Report Budget Details Inquiry
To duplicate the GLS802 Budget Staus report for analysis purposes GLS8020 (Budget Status)
To duplicate the the GL Activity by period report for analysis purposes GL Activity by Acctg Period
To find a list of manual journal entries to cash accounts by Fund/SID Entries to Cash Accounts
To find a trial balance based on ledger, department, fund, SID, account Trial Balance Report
To find balances for the cash accounts used in the CTGLR17174 - Non-Appropriated Cash Balance Report Non-Approp Funds Cash Balance
To find balances for the expense accounts used in the CTGLR17174 - Non-Appropriated Cash Balance Report Non-Approp Funds Cash Expenses
To find balances for the revenue accounts used in the CTGLR17174 - Non-Appropriated Cash Balance Report Non-Approp Funds Cash revenue
To find budget journals where the budget header status is not posted or unposted Budget Journal not posted
To find commitment control ledger balance information for a ledger group and DeptID Commitment Control Ledger /Month
To find journal entry information for a DeptID and date range Journal Entry Query
to find journal information by DeptID or range of DeptIDs by date range Journal Entry Query
To find Journal information for a Department ID or range of Department IDs Specific Journal ID & Date
To find journal information for mod_cash_ and mod_accrl by DeptID, Fund, SID, and Account MOD_ACCRL & MOD_CASH Journals
To find journals where the journal header and the budget header is valid Agency Valid Journal Report
To find journals where the journal header or the budget header is in error Agency Journal Error Report
To find journals where the journal header or the budget header is in error by DeptID Agency ALL Journal Errors Report
To find ledger balances and is meant to duplicate the CFSR Ledger Balance (CFSR)
To find payroll data by pay period for personal service charges to a specific business unit Cross BU payroll data
To find payroll data by pay period where the personal service charges are for an employee of a different agency Payroll Detail other agency charge
To find payroll detail for all employees charged to a specific business unit Cross BU payroll data
To find posted journals by account and date range Posted Journals by Account
To find the closing and carry-forward balances for an agency by fiscal year and commitment control ledger group Budget Lapse and Carry-Forward
To find the ledger balance by accounting period and sorted into columns Ledger Bal by Acctg Period
To find the ledger balance by accounting period for analysis in a spreadsheet Ledger Bal Per - Pivot in Excel
To identify financial accounting entries with an HRMS paycheck number FIN Accounting Entries by Pay Check #
To identify general ledger expenditure by accounting period. The query will return the entire agency or just one department GL Expenditure by Acctg Period
To identify general ledger expenditure by fiscal year and SID GL Expenditures by FY
To identify journal entries for payroll for a journal or check date (includes paycheck number) Journal entries for payroll
To identify journal entries related to Account 55050 pass through funds for Federal Grant reporting 55050 Sub-recipient Journal Detail
To identify mod_cash and mod_accrual posted totals by DeptID, Fund, SID, and Account Mod Accrual and Mod Cash period report
To identify personal service charges from other DeptIDs from the HR Accounting line PS charges from other Deptids
To identify refunds of expenditures by period and journal ID Refunds of Expenditures
To identify wrong budget references for budgeted funds. Where the budget reference does not equal the fiscal year Budget Ref not equal to FY
To reconcile the CTGLR341 and 342 report to the budget. Will find DATCLEAN entries posted by OSC. Reconcile CTGLR 341/342 to Budget
To reconcile the general ledger to the payroll summary GL to Payroll Summary Reconciliation
To replicate the expenditures by object report for analysis purposes Expenditures by Object

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