Search by Journal ID and Journal Date for ACCRL Ledger journals that have been approved |
Jrnl Wrkflw Data by Jrnl ID |
To assist with the completion of CHRO Form CC051, Contract Compliance Tracking Sheet |
CHRO CC051 Report Form |
To display contract obligation, purchase order obligated and unliquidated, and voucher amounts |
Contract, PO, Voucher balances |
To find a list of all current contracts |
Contract Master List |
To find catalog items that are active in an inventory business unit, but inactive in ePro and the designated active substitute items |
Substitute Catalog items |
To find detailed purchase order commitment information |
Vendor PO Commitment Info |
To find expired but active contracts |
Expired but active contracts |
To find for end of year processing, POs that are pending, approved or denied |
EOY PO Pending, Apprv, Denied |
To find header and line comments associated with a procurement contract. |
Contract comments |
To find header comments associated with a purchase order |
PO W/Header Comments |
To find items associated with active contracts |
Catalogue Items by Contract |
To find open purchase orders, obligated amount, total and fiscal year to date distribution |
All PO Bal w/ or w/o Vouchers |
To find purchase information based on delegated authority (GL71) for reporting to DAS |
GL annual PO report-DAS |
To find purchase order balances with and without voucher history |
All PO Bal w/ or w/o Vouchers |
To find purchase order budget check errors for end of year processing |
EOY PO Budget Check Error |
To find purchase order dispatch history based on a date range |
PO/Vendor Dispatch History |
To find purchase orders that are complete and budget checked |
POs Complete & Budget Checked |
To find purchase orders that are on hold for end of year processing |
EOY POs On Hold |
To find purchase orders that are receiving required |
POs with receiving required |
To find purchase orders that have been received but not vouchered |
PO received not Vouchered |
To find purchase orders that have no vouchers associated with them |
POs w/o vouchers by Fund, SID |
To find the remaining balance of a purchase order including the sum of voucher amounts |
Remaining PO Balance by PO |
To find the remaining purchase order balance |
Remaining PO Balance Detail |
To find the workflow status of a purchase order |
Workflow status by PO |
To find the workflow status of a purchase order by hours in a status |
Workflow status by PO Entry Dt |
To find vendor contract expiration dates for contracts associated with active purchase orders |
PO Contract Expire Dates |
To find vendor contract information for reporting to OPM |
Vendor Contracts Query |
To find vendor contract information for verification purposes |
Vendor Contract information |
To find where the contract price is less than the purchase order price for a catalog item |
PO-Contract price compare |
To identify the amount difference from PO distribution line versus KK PO distribution |
PO Distribution vs KK amount |
To list all Purchase orders with Receipts that have not yet been Vouchered. |
Receipts not Vouchered |