Governor Ned Lamont


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Catalog of Online Reports

Choosing Queries in Core-CT

If you want to: Then run this report:
all active members of a specific, dynamic GroupID Core Security GroupID Detail
all agency employees with email information (if entered) and will show if the security question and answer are completed Employee System Profile Info
FIN USERID's associated with a specific Role name and Agency Core FN UserID by Role Name
HR USERID's associated with a specific Role name and Agency Core HR UserID by Role Name
Lists all CT AGY HR SPECIALIST and if they have either the CT AGY TL SPECIALIST and/or, CT AGY PAYROLL SPECIALIST roles HR Specialist Seg of Duty
Returns all CORE UserID’s for a single employee number. Oprid by Emplid
Returns all HR user Job Data Employee Status and locked status HR UserID Locked Out Or Not?
returns roles for active agency employees. Use for Segregation of Duty & other role audits HR Roles Audit for Active Emp
roles for active agency employees FIN Roles Audit for Active Emp
To find a list of all HRMS Dynamic only users with Row Security does not equal DPTLR Dynamic Only Users w/Out DPTLR
To find a list of all HRMS Users, their Row Security and their DeptID access Row Sec & HR DeptID Access
To find a list of PO origins by agency PO Origins w/Descr By Agency
To find Active approvers by Origin Approvers by Origin
To find active requestors by Origin Requestors By Origin
To find all pending FN CO-1092 forms by department FNCO1092 pending by DEPT
To find all pending HR CO-1092 forms by department HCO1092 pending by department
To find approver roles by BU and origin. Must specify AP or PO Voucher approvers by origin
To find Core user IDs for a single employee number AP Origins by Agency
To find Core UserIDs where the agency acronym does not match the DeptID in Job Data UserID Does Not Match DeptID
To find FIN roles by Employee ID. FN Roles by EmplID
To find FIN roles still assigned to terminated employees FIN Roles Assigned/Termed Empl
To find FN CO1092 forms with days from transaction date FN CO1092 pending
To find FN CO-1092 information by employee regardless of status FNCO1092 by EMPLID
To find FN CO-1092 information by transaction number FNCO1092 by transaction nbr
To find HR CO1092 forms with days from transaction date HRCO1092 pending
To find HR CO-1092 information by employee regardless of status HCO1092 by EMPLID
To find HR CO-1092 information by transaction number HCO1092 by transaction nbr
To find HR roles by Employee ID. HR Roles by EmplID
To find HR roles still assigned to terminated employees HR Roles Assigned/Termed Empl
To find OPRID and primary permission list by Origin OPRID & PPL by Origin
To find user roles by BU and origin. Must specify AP or PO User roles by bus unit/origin
To find user roles by origin User roles by origin
To find users with Job Data Employee Status and whether or not they are locked out of the system FN USERIDs locked out or not
To return a list of all TL Approvers, their HRMS Row Security, and TL GroupID information Row Sec & TL Groups for Appvrs
To return time approvers and those employees whose time is approved. Time Approvers by Location

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