all active members of a specific, dynamic GroupID |
Core Security GroupID Detail |
all agency employees with email information (if entered) and will show if the security question and answer are completed |
Employee System Profile Info |
FIN USERID's associated with a specific Role name and Agency |
Core FN UserID by Role Name |
HR USERID's associated with a specific Role name and Agency |
Core HR UserID by Role Name |
Lists all CT AGY HR SPECIALIST and if they have either the CT AGY TL SPECIALIST and/or, CT AGY PAYROLL SPECIALIST roles |
HR Specialist Seg of Duty |
Returns all CORE UserID’s for a single employee number. |
Oprid by Emplid |
Returns all HR user Job Data Employee Status and locked status |
HR UserID Locked Out Or Not? |
returns roles for active agency employees. Use for Segregation of Duty & other role audits |
HR Roles Audit for Active Emp |
roles for active agency employees |
FIN Roles Audit for Active Emp |
To find a list of all HRMS Dynamic only users with Row Security does not equal DPTLR |
Dynamic Only Users w/Out DPTLR |
To find a list of all HRMS Users, their Row Security and their DeptID access |
Row Sec & HR DeptID Access |
To find a list of PO origins by agency |
PO Origins w/Descr By Agency |
To find Active approvers by Origin |
Approvers by Origin |
To find active requestors by Origin |
Requestors By Origin |
To find all pending FN CO-1092 forms by department |
FNCO1092 pending by DEPT |
To find all pending HR CO-1092 forms by department |
HCO1092 pending by department |
To find approver roles by BU and origin. Must specify AP or PO |
Voucher approvers by origin |
To find Core user IDs for a single employee number |
AP Origins by Agency |
To find Core UserIDs where the agency acronym does not match the DeptID in Job Data |
UserID Does Not Match DeptID |
To find FIN roles by Employee ID. |
FN Roles by EmplID |
To find FIN roles still assigned to terminated employees |
FIN Roles Assigned/Termed Empl |
To find FN CO1092 forms with days from transaction date |
FN CO1092 pending |
To find FN CO-1092 information by employee regardless of status |
FNCO1092 by EMPLID |
To find FN CO-1092 information by transaction number |
FNCO1092 by transaction nbr |
To find HR CO1092 forms with days from transaction date |
HRCO1092 pending |
To find HR CO-1092 information by employee regardless of status |
HCO1092 by EMPLID |
To find HR CO-1092 information by transaction number |
HCO1092 by transaction nbr |
To find HR roles by Employee ID. |
HR Roles by EmplID |
To find HR roles still assigned to terminated employees |
HR Roles Assigned/Termed Empl |
To find OPRID and primary permission list by Origin |
OPRID & PPL by Origin |
To find user roles by BU and origin. Must specify AP or PO |
User roles by bus unit/origin |
To find user roles by origin |
User roles by origin |
To find users with Job Data Employee Status and whether or not they are locked out of the system |
FN USERIDs locked out or not |
To return a list of all TL Approvers, their HRMS Row Security, and TL GroupID information |
Row Sec & TL Groups for Appvrs |
To return time approvers and those employees whose time is approved. |
Time Approvers by Location |